Held Apart, 2021 is an intergenerational story of trauma from both parents to child, the ways in which they coincide and how they result in a single person. Appeared in The Trans and GNC Arts Review: Edition One Spring 2021

A comic on hiatus detailing the life and past of Maja in a city at the edge of a marsh.
Currently available at Xochitlart

Broken Toes, 2021 a short zine experiment regarding past injuries and how they factor into internal understanding

(In And) Out of Time, 2021 is a comic about my experience of time with disassociation and a relation to my transness.
It can be found here as well as the Come Back Down to Earth: an anxiety anthology for which it was written and drawn

Punch Drunk, 2020 is a graphic narrative describing a suddenly recalled trauma of self harm. It begins with the initial object that sparked my memory, jumping to myself, and eventually to a combination of present and past.

Stories of Strawberries, 2020 was the soft, freeing work I’d been aching to do for a long while. The goal of the piece was simple: make a cute, engaging zine about strawberries only for the purpose of doing so. No deeper meaning, no grand message to pass along, just a cute stylistic piece about strawberries. Art doesn’t always have to be so serious.

Each page was drawn into the same 8.5 x 11” piece of paper folded and cut to form 7 individual pages
Stories of Strawberries: Cadence, 2020 follows Cadence, a production Strawbaby who has grown up from the 1st zine and is remembering stages of her life up to that point. The goal of this work was to combine the linework heavy, cartoon experience of the 1st zine with a focused trans narrative.